UCC ETH Bull Case w/@CryptoCobain- TL;DR

2 min readMay 7, 2021

1. Strengthening bull case for ETH: EIP1559 & PoS merge as positive catalysts: introducing burns & drastically reducing issuance + ~50% staking rewards incentivising lock up of ETH

2. Lido: user-friendly liquid ETH staking on ETH2 + issue stETH for use as collateral -> stETH might become base currency + liquidity of pool important when staking ETH

3. PoW vs PoS: PoW seen as archaic + environmental concerns; PoS less robust, but less selling pressure + internalises money to stakers not miners -> PoS to change MEV dynamics with ETH staking pools gaining advantage

4. BSC incredibly bullish for ETH L2 scaling -> showed that with 10x increase in throughput, can get 100x increase in usage

5. Bullish themes: non-overcollateralised loans + L2 scaling + DeFi perps/leveraged trading (dYdX) -> uncertainty around asynchronous execution in a roll-up centric ETH world

6. ETH “flippingBTC’s market cap: Cobie “total addressable market for ETH gigantic vs BTC/gold + instis adoption -> “flippening” inevitable but temporary. ETH user adoption metrics also hugely outperforms BTC”;
Su “undecided if flip is bearish for BTC, on one hand BTC HODLers + insti buying BTC + largest PoW chain, on other hand if BTC no longer most liquid/largest crypto then why not denominate in ETH”

7. Cobie’s trading advice for longevity: Take it steady, play the long game, don’t over-leverage, maintain market exposure and you’ll do fine. Information overload but huge financial incentives for engaged participants.

8. 3–6 months positioning: Su “overweight ETH, some SOL application + ETH DeFi” Cobie “also overweight ETH, seed rouns with short vesting, shame minimisation strategy”




Honest work; Unbiased summaries